

Schools, Colleges and Universities are typically government funded and constantly subject to tight budgets and funding shortfalls. So, managing costs for every department is an everyday challenge.

Facilities have to plan for all of the predictable costs, such as what they will spend for energy and the unpredictable, such as unknown equipment failures. If the predictable cost can be reduced and the unpredictable cost reduced, facilities can have a better chance to stay on budget.

Energy costs can be lowered through lowering the cost per kWh or the demand charges for energy use. Energy Audits and Energy Management Systems play key roles in managing energy and related maintenance costs. These Energy Management Systems can be used to monitor everything using energy in a building. The data from the monitoring provides information on equipment, like how HVAC systems are running, when they are in need of preventative maintenance or repair. This helps with planning scheduled work, cuts time to diagnose where the problems are located and for budgeting.

Everything purchased for a government building goes out for bid, which means there will be many different types of HVAC systems on every campus. BMI Energy utilizes energy management systems that can integrate and manage these different systems, as if they were all made by the same manufacturer. This allows for easier monitoring and data development to compare equipment and buildings for all types of decision making.
Managing comfort and costs together are critical to student learning and meeting budget requirement. Please consider BMI Energy when you are looking for improvements in you’re energy and maintenance related costs for you’re buildings.